Animelicious! is an anime and manga TCG by Mousey. It was one of the first Multiple Anime TCG. The TCG opened December 23, 2002 and closed for good in 2005. Some games and social activities were based around's now defunct forum, Musicbox.
Site Information[]
- Owner: Mousey
- URL:
- Category: Animanga
- Lifetime: December 23, 2002 - 2005
- Mousey - Owner
- Kelly - Temporary Owner (2003 - 2004)
- Lady Nanashi - Temporary Owner (summer 2003 - January 2004), Birthday Girl
- Ash - Card Maker
Special Cards[]
Original Template[]
Animelicious! has ten official levels, each corresponding to romanized Japanese numbers. A starter pack consisted of 5 random cards.
- Ichi Trader: 1-9
- Ni Trader: 10-24
- San Trader: 25-44
- Shi Trader: 45-64
- Go Trader: 65-84
- Roku Trader: 85-99
- Nana Trader: 100-129
- Hachi Trader: 130-159
- Kyu Trader: 160-199
- Juu Trader: 200+
To incentivize active players, those who reached the Juu Trader level received two choice cards per every additional 50 cards they gained beyond 200.
Level Badge Gallery[]
The overall number of decks and amount in circulation was much smaller than is common today, so Animelicious! did not have an abundance of games. They were also updated irregularly and on no sort of fixed schedule.
- MIDI Mysteries: A "guess the song" game that used MIDI files of anime theme songs and insert songs. A sprite version of Mousey was hidden somewhere on the site to give hints to players.
- Mystery Vision: A simple "guess the character in the distorted image" game. For each new round, a new Mystery card was given out as a prize. (See card gallery above.)
- Name That Seiyuu: A "guess the voice actor" game, where members were given the image of a character and had to track down the character's seiyuu.
- Snippet
- Pixel Packs: An original idea for Animelicious! Members traded in unwanted cards for pixel packs of different colors (red, orange, pink, purple, blue, green, and yellow.) The cost would change every month, but members would always get back the same amount of cards they gave. The pixel packs images were created by Kelly.
- Claim It!: An area where members could claim cards from members who quit.
- Music Download: Essentially a freebie anime music rotation for members, where every few weeks a new song would be posted. Selections included music from Super Dimension Fortress Macross and Gravitation. For each new round, a Rhythm card was given out as a prize. (See card gallery above.)
- Contest: A contest rotation, ranging from graphics, coloring, short essays, and sprites. Often took place at the forum.